Iguazu falls

(Iguazu falls, Argentina (and Brazil), 24-27th of November 2017)

We took a flight from Buenos Aires to get to Iguazu falls, a place we really had looked forward to visit. We started with staying at a hotel in the small town of Puerto Iguazu. From there we took a tour with a bus to see the Brazilian side of the falls. It was a great tour but the weather was terrible – the rain was pouring down from the minute we arrived to the falls.


But the views were impressive and we really enjoyed ourselves anyway.

The next place we stayed was the former Sheraton hotel, situated inside the National Park. The hotel was luxurious but not very good-looking as it looked like something built in the 70:s (in Soviet..).


But we enjoyed every minute of our stay even though if it was really expensive. We loved the food, the Spa-area and the possibility to visit the falls any time we liked.

Iguazu falls are really impressive and so big! It is hard to describe the feeling you get when you are standing close to the water – you need to go there to feel it!

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